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미니프로젝트 - 실주행시간 예측 - 2024.04.23
import gdown, zipfile import os, glob, shutil from tqdm import tqdm import os.path 내 구글 드라이브 연동하기 from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive') 데이터 다운로드 def download_file(file_id, save_path) : if os.path.exists(save_path) : print(f'{save_path} 파일이 이미 존재합니다.') return gdown.download(id=file_id, output=save_path, quiet=False) 구글 공유 id를 통해 zip파일 불러오기 file_id = '1JHo4Rsb8Mx-sJqu7xdQWUg..
코랩에 내 데이터 업로드 해서 사용하기import gdown, zipfile import os, glob, shutil from tqdm import tqdm import os.path 내 구글 드라이브 연동하기 from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive') 데이터 다운로드 def download_file(file_id, save_path) : if os.path.exists(save_path) : print(f'{save_path} 파일이 이미 존재합니다.') return gdown.download(id=file_id, output=save_path, quiet=False) 구글 공유 id를 통해 zip파일 불러오기 file_id = '1JHo4Rsb8Mx-sJqu7xdQWUg..
2024.04.17 -
컴퓨터비전 미니프로젝트 4차 쿨루프 2024.04.13
https://paperswithcode.com/sota/anomaly-detection-on-one-class-cifar-10 Papers with Code - One-class CIFAR-10 Benchmark (Anomaly Detection) The current state-of-the-art on One-class CIFAR-10 is CLIP (OE). See a full comparison of 34 papers with code. paperswithcode.com ITAE-Pytorch-Anomaly_Detection https://github.com/yuxiao-ash/ITAE-Pytorch-Anomaly_Detection?tab=readme-ov-file GitHub - yuxiao-a..
Anomaly detection 분야 구현 및 논문 리뷰 할 것들https://paperswithcode.com/sota/anomaly-detection-on-one-class-cifar-10 Papers with Code - One-class CIFAR-10 Benchmark (Anomaly Detection) The current state-of-the-art on One-class CIFAR-10 is CLIP (OE). See a full comparison of 34 papers with code. paperswithcode.com ITAE-Pytorch-Anomaly_Detection https://github.com/yuxiao-ash/ITAE-Pytorch-Anomaly_Detection?tab=readme-ov-file GitHub - yuxiao-a..
2024.04.11 -
for i, t_ind in tqdm(enumerate(t_inds), desc='trainsforming', mininterval=0.01, total=len(t_inds)): total=len(t_inds) 옵션을 추가해주자.
tqdm progress bar 안보일 때, tqdm progress bar not showingfor i, t_ind in tqdm(enumerate(t_inds), desc='trainsforming', mininterval=0.01, total=len(t_inds)): total=len(t_inds) 옵션을 추가해주자.
2024.04.11 -
https://www.cvat.ai/ CVAT Powerfull and efficient open source data annotation platform for computer vision datasets www.cvat.ai https://roboflow.com/
웹기반 라벨링 툴https://www.cvat.ai/ CVAT Powerfull and efficient open source data annotation platform for computer vision datasets www.cvat.ai https://roboflow.com/